Thursday, March 28, 2013

Weight Loss Tips - Using the Natural Means to Attain a Healthy Lifestyle

With the many delicious foods that we can buy and eat, we cannot help but consume them. That is why there are many people especially women who have become obese. Yet, being obese is not healthy. It only inflicts many disadvantages. Obesity can lead to serious illness that may lead to cardiac arrest. Perhaps, one of the reasons why there are many obese is the shift of lifestyle like supporting junk food while neglecting the importance of exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With this alarming problem, it would be better to practice a healthy and safe lifestyle. To start, weight loss is very important to flush out unwanted fats in your body and maintain a healthy figure. Moreover, there are many weight loss products in the market to help you out in your fat loss campaign. Yet, not all of these products can be effective and efficient to avoid fat bellies. There are fat loss pills and other synthetic products which are very enticing to use. These products are considered to be as unnatural which might only endanger your health. That is why it is always best to use the natural means of reducing weight which are safe and not expensive.

The natural ways to reduce weight might not give you plausible results within a day or two. It takes time before you can see the good results and more to that, it is healthy and safe. These weight loss tips below will give you the right idea how to start your natural weight loss activity. They are easy to maintain but it requires the right amount of sacrifice since there are no shortcuts in doing your slimming process.

To have an efficient weight loss activity, you go back to the basic and that is your Diet. You have to be aware of what you eat. The food that you have in your refrigerator might be delicious and enticing to consume. However, not all what we see as delicious is considered as nutritious. It will just make you heavier and increase your fats. Eat the right kind of food like fruits and vegetables. Limit also yourself from eating carbohydrate based food. Know also the right intervals of your eating habits.

Moreover, reinforce your diet with a regular exercise. This will help you burn your fats and will develop your heart rate. A 15 to 10 minute exercise everyday will do. All you have to do is to maintain this activity so that better results can be seen right away.

Your quest to lose your weight will not be successful if you cannot maintain to follow these healthy tips. It is important to have discipline and determination so that your goals will be achieved.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Finding the Best Appetite Suppressant - How?

To suppress appetite is a very important step in the whole weight loss process. Many dieters are using appetite suppressants to aid them in their weight loss journey. The internet is full of information on the different brands that are available. Do these pills really deliver? Are they safe?

Using a natural appetite suppressants is great. They will never give side effects like dizziness, irritability, stomach problems and so on. The best and most efficient appetite suppressants are manufactured from 100% unadulterated natural ingredients without any known harmful side effects.The Hoodia Gordonii plant is probably the most well known natural appetite suppressant in the market. This herb has gone through a variety of professional clinical trials validating its value as an appetite suppressor.

The appetite suppression ability of the Hoodia gordonii plant has been used by the Bushmen of the South African Kalahari desert for hundreds of years, and is still being used today to suppress hunger on their long hunting trips. These hunting trips could last for up to a month at a time.

Today, this phenomenon can be bought in the form of a pill. But, what brand of Hoodia Gordonii should you go for? You will find many brands of Hoodia Gordonii herb on the market today, the main question when seeking for a potent appetite suppressant is to decide which one to use. A Google search has numerous brands listed that claim their effectiveness, but in real life not every brand will provide the same result.

The best way to find the best ones is to study the labels of the products to see what ones are made from 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii. A product that does not contain 100% of this herb, will not deliver the results you want. You MUST look out for Hoodia Scams! Locate the brands that have no chemicals, additives or preservatives on their labels. A reputable company will list all ingredients. And the ingredients should only consist of the Hoodia Gordonii plant alone.

Reference to the source here

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Calorie Shifting Diet

Calorie shifting is a revolutionary new approach to weight loss. This diet succeeds where other diets fail, by turning the failures of other diets into this program's successes. There are only four basic rules to this diet:

  • You can eat as much food as you desire at each meal, on the calorie shifting diet. Eat to your heart's content, until you are completely satisfied. But for maximum effectiveness, you should stop eating just before you are on the verge of becoming too full. This rule, obviously runs counter to the common sense principle of "eat less to lose weight" as preached by other diets.

  • You must eat four full meals every day of a variety of foods. Each one of your four meals will consist of a different combination of food groups from each of the four major food groups. This combination shifts from meal to meal.

  • You are required to take a mandatory three-day break from the diet every two weeks. During these three days, you are allowed to as much as you want of whatever you want, as long as you stop short of becoming too full at each meal. So you will be dieting for eleven days, followed by a three-day break, followed by another eleven days of dieting, and then another three-day break, and so on and so forth.

  • You must drink a minimum of ten glasses of water every day.

While on the calorie shifting diet, you can expect to lose nine pounds during each eleven day stretch of dieting. That is just shy of one pound per day! Even if you account for the three-day break, that still works out to be upwards of twenty pounds of weight loss in a single month!

Does diet sound too good to be true? Does it even sound like a diet at all? How can you lose so much weight so rapidly, while you are able to eat unlimited quantities of food without counting, of foods from all four food groups, four times a day? And on top of that, you get to take every other weekend off from the diet?

Calorie shifting is based on the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism, at will, to burn through your fat stores, simply by shifting the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal, from day to day. In doing so, you are creating a simulated condition of sustained nutritional deprivation. In other words, you are fooling your body into compensating for a loss of nutrients by tapping into your fat reserves, which is what your body is supposed to do if you were really starving.

The "trick" to the calorie shifting diet is that by the time your body goes into fat burning mode, you will have already reintroduced the suppressed nutrients into your diet, while you begin to withhold a different nutrient. So before your metabolism has a chance to stabilize, you sustain the fat burning effect by simulating the deprivation of a different nutrient.

Why the three-day break? Most nutritionists and dieticians agree that too much rapid weight loss is unsafe and can take its toll on your body. Therefore, by interjecting this three-day break and declaring it mandatory, you are giving your body a chance to recover from the rapid weight loss. However, after seventy-two hours of rest, it is right back onto the diet again!

In addition to the physiological justification for the three-day break, you can also benefit from the break by having the opportunity to rest and indulge in the foods that you crave. Think of it as a reward for reaching another milestone on your weight loss journey.

Here's a tip: If you were to start this diet on a Monday, that means that you would be able to take every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off from the diet! What could be better than to have weekends off from the diet, which is the time that most people tend to socialize and celebrate with food.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Цены на аренду коммерческой недвижимости в Киеве с 24 по 31 августа

За период с 24 по 31 августа 2009 года средняя цена аренды офисной недвижимости Киева выросла на 0.30%, а торговой - на 2.01%.

За неделю количество предложений в базе аренды коммерческой недвижимости Киева увеличилось на 3.64%.

В аренде офисной недвижимости максимальное падение - в Святошинском районе (-6.38%), максимальный рост - в Деснянском (+8.84%). В аренде торговой недвижимости максимальное падение - в Соломенском районе (-8.44%), максимальный рост - в Днепровском (+9.48%). В аренде складской недвижимости максимальное падение - в Святошинском районе (-2.76%), максимальный рост – в Днепровском (+4.03%).

Стоимость аренды коммерческой недвижимости Киева за квадратный метр составила:

офисной недвижимости - $ 16.64. Минимальная - в Святошинском районе - $ 10.70.

торговой недвижимости - $ 31.91. Минимальная - в Соломенском районе - $ 14.53.

складской недвижимости - $ 5.05. Минимальная - в Деснянском районе - $ 4.69.

Аренда коммерческой недвижимости в Киеве - вторичный рынок

Изменение цен за 24.08 — 31.08.2009

Район (количество предложений)


($ за кв. м)


($ за кв. м)


($ за кв. м)

Голосеевский ( 294 )

16.08   -1.95%

36.26   +0.41%

5.25   -1.31%

Дарницкий ( 165 )

11.82   -0.58%

19.83   -2.93%

5.34          0%

Деснянский ( 53 )

12.18   +8.84%

18.77   -2.13%

4.69       — *

Днепровский ( 155 )

14.48   +4.92%

23.77   +9.48%

5.16   +4.03%

Оболонский ( 178 )

13.44   -1.39%

20.12   -5.76%

5.06   +1.20%

Печерский ( 480 )

19.59   +3.37%

53.51   -0.92%

4.72       — *

Подольский ( 227 )

16.21   -1.45%

28.90   +3.17%

4.74   +9.21%

Святошинский ( 117 )

10.70   -6.38%

17.99   +4.47%

4.93   -2.76%

Соломенский ( 151 )

12.46   +0.97%

14.53   -8.44%

5.65   +2.35%

Шевченковский ( 659 )

18.57   -1.01%

40.22   +6.54%

5.04   +2.23%

Центр ( 1055 )

19.71   +0.92%

49.96   +5.11%

4.28       — *

Левый берег ( 392 )

12.93   +2.29%

21.31   +2.01%

5.13   +1.18%

Правый без центра ( 1076 )

14.14   -1.18%

23.08   -5.09%

5.13   +2.39%

Все районы   ( 2535 )

16.64   +0.30%

31.91   +2.01%

5.22   +3.36%

* - недостаточно информации для рассчета

Распределение количества предложений :

Офисы :       76.73% (+5.31%)

Торговые :   14.72% (-3.38%)

Складские:   8.54% (+1.86%)

При расчете не учитывались :

в торговой недвижимости – место на рынке, киоск - 0.27 %

в складской недвижимости – площадки – 0.10 %

Статистика построена на базе предложений портала Realt.UA от хозяев, риелторов и агентств недвижимости

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Workout and Read - Why Mixing the Two is the Reason for Your Shape

People going to the health club with the latest edition of National Enquirer in hand to read while they do cardio workouts is a common sight in gyms everywhere. But despite the popularity of reading while working out, the gym is not a lounge that moves.

When performing cardio you will witness many who are simply reading, flipping through pages as if they are not doing any work at all. Their legs are moving, but if it was that easy to get rid of fat, we could sit on the sofa and do the same thing.

In order to burn fat, people need to let go of the idea of a fat-burning zone and focus on the main thing: burning as many calories as you possibly can in the shortest amount of time.

In the past, people have said that you must be at 65 percent of your heart rate maximum in order to burn a high percentage of fat. It is very true that low intensity cardio does burn a higher percentage of fat than high intensity does.

The problem with this logic is that if this was the case, then when we do nothing at all, which is the lowest of low intensity of cardio, we should be burning off fat. But we all know someone who is sitting down watching television or always sitting at a desk in the office... and they are not losing weight.

That is because the low intensity cardio does not burn as many calories as high intensity cardio.

High intensity cardio is the way to go to get a new leaner look. High intensity means alternating between a pace you can only keep up for one minute and then coming back down to a lower intensity pace for two minutes and repeating this five or six times. This means that you can finish a cardio workout in as little as 15 minutes.

High intensity cardio burns calories when you are doing the actual workout and also keeps your metabolism elevated for up to 24 hours. You gain an extra 15 percent of calories burned even after you have stopped working out.

Also when you think about achieving a body that burns calories all day long, the word that comes to mind is known as resting metabolic rate. Simply this is the rate that your body burns calories while at rest. Performing low intensity cardio does nothing for your resting metabolic rate. In fact, it's been shown that too much of low intensity cardio can actually be detrimental to you increasing your resting metabolic rate. Often many will lose muscle while going on extreme weight loss plans that are targeted to get them quick results. High intensity cardio though specifically interval training is crucial not only if you're going to increase your resting metabolic rate. An increase in your resting metabolic rate will lead to the ultimate goal of weight loss.

So keep your magazines at home, I promise they will not go anywhere. Continue to read them while you're working out though and your fat won't go anywhere either. Get involved in your high intensity cardio today.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Промсвязьбанк — типы займов

АКБ Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших в России банков, входящий в 10-ку основных банков России. На банковском рынке банк предлагает следующие виды кредитов:

Потребительский ссуду — выдаваемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком частным и корпоративным лицам в целях покупки предметов личного пользования с перенесением срока расчета за приобретенные предметы личного пользования, с будущим возвращением занятых денежных средств и процентного дохода по ссуде.

Банковские кредитки — более современная разновидность наличного кредитования, предоставляют возможность получать разные услуги и товары без необходимости посещать в Промсвязьбанк с единовременным лимитом с дальнейшим возмещением занятых суммы АКБ Промсвязьбанку.

Главными функциями банковских кредиток являются снятие денежных средств в банкоматных устройствах или отделении ОАО «Промсвязьбанка», а также отзывы о банках в отделениях партнерских кредитных организациях. Кроме того кредитные карты предоставляют возможность сделать безнальные отправки средств, а также оплатить покупки предметов потребления и различных услуг. Заявка На Кредит.

В АКБ «Промсвязьбанк» хорошо представлено ипотечные программы. Ипотечная программа позволяет приобрести жилье без вложения собственных сбережений, с использованием средств банка, с будущим возвратом занятых денежных средств под низкую процентную ставку. В предметом залога может предоставляться приобретаемый объект недвижимости. Следует отметить, недвижимость застраховывается от сноса, также страхуется жизнь и здоровье оформившего заем.