Thursday, March 21, 2013

Calorie Shifting Diet

Calorie shifting is a revolutionary new approach to weight loss. This diet succeeds where other diets fail, by turning the failures of other diets into this program's successes. There are only four basic rules to this diet:

  • You can eat as much food as you desire at each meal, on the calorie shifting diet. Eat to your heart's content, until you are completely satisfied. But for maximum effectiveness, you should stop eating just before you are on the verge of becoming too full. This rule, obviously runs counter to the common sense principle of "eat less to lose weight" as preached by other diets.

  • You must eat four full meals every day of a variety of foods. Each one of your four meals will consist of a different combination of food groups from each of the four major food groups. This combination shifts from meal to meal.

  • You are required to take a mandatory three-day break from the diet every two weeks. During these three days, you are allowed to as much as you want of whatever you want, as long as you stop short of becoming too full at each meal. So you will be dieting for eleven days, followed by a three-day break, followed by another eleven days of dieting, and then another three-day break, and so on and so forth.

  • You must drink a minimum of ten glasses of water every day.

While on the calorie shifting diet, you can expect to lose nine pounds during each eleven day stretch of dieting. That is just shy of one pound per day! Even if you account for the three-day break, that still works out to be upwards of twenty pounds of weight loss in a single month!

Does diet sound too good to be true? Does it even sound like a diet at all? How can you lose so much weight so rapidly, while you are able to eat unlimited quantities of food without counting, of foods from all four food groups, four times a day? And on top of that, you get to take every other weekend off from the diet?

Calorie shifting is based on the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism, at will, to burn through your fat stores, simply by shifting the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal, from day to day. In doing so, you are creating a simulated condition of sustained nutritional deprivation. In other words, you are fooling your body into compensating for a loss of nutrients by tapping into your fat reserves, which is what your body is supposed to do if you were really starving.

The "trick" to the calorie shifting diet is that by the time your body goes into fat burning mode, you will have already reintroduced the suppressed nutrients into your diet, while you begin to withhold a different nutrient. So before your metabolism has a chance to stabilize, you sustain the fat burning effect by simulating the deprivation of a different nutrient.

Why the three-day break? Most nutritionists and dieticians agree that too much rapid weight loss is unsafe and can take its toll on your body. Therefore, by interjecting this three-day break and declaring it mandatory, you are giving your body a chance to recover from the rapid weight loss. However, after seventy-two hours of rest, it is right back onto the diet again!

In addition to the physiological justification for the three-day break, you can also benefit from the break by having the opportunity to rest and indulge in the foods that you crave. Think of it as a reward for reaching another milestone on your weight loss journey.

Here's a tip: If you were to start this diet on a Monday, that means that you would be able to take every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off from the diet! What could be better than to have weekends off from the diet, which is the time that most people tend to socialize and celebrate with food.

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