Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why Are We Overweight?

You know, there is so much to do about finding a weight loss diet or routine, that many of us completely forget about why we're overweight to begin with. Maybe if we concentrated on the causes of why we're overweight, we wouldn't be overweight to begin with. Well, this article is going to tackle the issue of just why we're overweight to begin with and maybe if we're aware of the causes, we won't have to go on a diet to begin with.

One of the main reasons that we're overweight, especially in the United States, is what we eat. Not how much we eat, but what we eat. The truth is, if we ate the right foods, we could eat as much as we wanted, within reason, and not gain any weight at all above what was our normal weight for our age, height and body type. The problem is, we're a society that lives at McDonalds. Do you have any idea how many calories are in a Big Mac? Would it shock you to find out that the number of calories in one of those fast food nightmares is almost all the calories we need to maintain our weight for the day. The problem is, we still have two more meals we have to get into our systems. That's why so many of us are overweight. Maybe if we didn't live in the fast food establishments we wouldn't need to diet. Just a thought.

Another reason we're overweight is that we don't exercise. When was the last time you did anything other than sit at your desk at your cozy little 9 to 5? Most of us haven't done a sit up since we were in grade school. No wonder we're overweight. The only way you burn calories is by exercising, and sitting at your desk and typing at your keyboard is not exercise. Well, when we don't burn those excess calories that we soaked up at McDonalds, those excess calories turn to fat. That fat is not only our excess weight, but also the reason that so many of us are dying from heart disease, diabetes and other ailments related to our diets.

And then of course there is the fact that as we get older our metabolisms slow down. That means we don't burn up as many calories as we used to. When this happens, it means we have to exercise even more and eat even less. Well, we keep eating the way we did when we were 18 but we don't exercise the way we did at that age. That combination is a deadly one.

If we were to just concentrate on those above areas and eat a sensible diet and get enough exercise on a daily basis, there wouldn't be any need for most of us to go on a diet, except in the rare case where one's metabolism was so slow that no matter what they did they couldn't lose weight. But that would be a very small percentage of us and not the millions of people who are walking around overweight as I am writing this.

Why are we overweight? You just got the answers.

Don't look so surprised.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

For reference ways to lose weight fast

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